Stretching, it’s essential…

The late Christian Thiess on Stretching – it’s an essential exercise…

There is one test that has the advantage over all the others, in that it can accompany the horse throughout his entire development… Showing the horse the way towards the ground.
It is important that before the rider makes any attempt to perform the exercise, he makes sure that the horse is moving forward with impulsion at the selected pace, in good rhythm and contact with the bit.
Then, while maintaining the forward driving aids, the rider should begin by giving slightly with the outside rein by moving the hand forward. As the horse responds by stretching his neck downwards and seeking the bit, the rider should offer the inside rein and again the horse should search to maintain the contact. The rider can then begin to lengthen the reins slightly by allowing them to slip through the fingers. Providing the horse is still being driven correctly from behind he will maintain the contact as he chews the bit towards the ground.

Cathrine Dufour and Cassidy

I cannot over emphasize that the rider must keep a soft contact with the horse’s mouth throughout the exercise and never just throw the reins away!

Carmen Thiemann, part of the Ingrid Klimke team, and Escada

As the muscles become free of tension and elongate, the horse is able to move with a soft swinging back and rounded outline.

Fie Skarscoe and Münchausen

If the horse is established, he will maintain the rhythm, engagement and roundness of the pace only altering his outline; although the exercise itself will effect the horse’s entire body. It is a little like a chain reaction because, as the horse lowers his neck, he stretches and relaxes those muscles and as the neck muscles are connected to the back muscles, he also stretches and relaxes this set of muscles, and through them, the muscles in his hindquarters. As the muscles become free of tension and elongate, the horse is able to move with a soft, swinging back and rounded outline.

The importance of relaxation cannot be overstressed for only a relaxed horse is able to develop athletically in its entirety, improving the suppleness and coordination of his joints and muscles.

Stretching before a test in a stressful environment, note the closeness of the crowd… Isabell Werth and the unusually conformed Warum Nicht 

At the lower levels, the exercise can be used to assess the degree of relaxation and acceptance of the bit, whereas at an advanced level it measures balance and self carriage, and can highlight hidden rhythm faults.

Charlotte Dujardin and Valegro

See more on Stretching here – lots of pics to discuss!

Stretching under saddle for horses – a picture gallery