Isabell Werth and Don Johnson – a photo gallery

You must have seen something in Don Johnson that made it worth those years of training…

“When I saw him the first time standing next to the trailer, I thought how in the hell should this work? And then I saw him moving and I said, wow this horse has no bones in his body, he was so elastic. Okay, he was quite naughty, but I was thinking if I can bring the muscles in the right way, then he can become a pretty horse and a really good athlete because his mind and his elasticity were really great. It needed in the end, two years longer than it would with a horse without this kind of body, but the end result gives you a lot of self-confidence, you are really satisfied with yourself and with the horse. It was a good result for me as a trainer and a rider.”

Here’s Don Johnson at his first European Championships, and then 2 years later…

And two years later

Isabell Werth – on the Ups, the Downs, and what lies ahead