DAY 2 at Tryon

Photos Monique de Smit – DigiShots

Okay, it’s hot and steamy, but the show seems to be coming together. And we saw some truly inspirational dressage today…

photo Eric Knoll

Carl Hester is simply a magician. He comes out on the largest stage in the world, with a horse that has hardly competed at Grand Prix – this is his 4th international – and a young horse at that, and weaves his magic.

Photo Monique de Smit – DigiShots

The test looks like a stroll in the park for the pair, so correct, so relaxed. Nobody has ever told Delicato that this is hard work. The work is so correct, unhurried big trot, lovely deliberate piaffe, and he has a real Diamond Hit canter.

Eight for his collected, working their way up to 8.3 for the extended canter. With a score of 77.283 we have a new leader and the crowd bursts into wild applause for the most liked competitor in the dressage world.

It’s interesting, the next great test comes from Sönke Rothenberger and Cosmo, and it’s sort of the opposite. Still very correct, but Cosmo has that extra edge, an electric charge, the wow factor in spades, and young Sönke has such an ice cool temperament for a twenty-three-year old. They receive a 9 for the twos, a 9.1 for the ones, and the final centre line sends shivers down the spine. 9.1 for the rider, and the 80 barrier has been breached – 81.444, what a test. What a horse. What a rider.

The next to star is the stallion, Dante Weltino with Therese Nilshagen. What a glorious beast this is, and what a lovely tactful rider.

Okay the piaffe is a bit weak, but the big trot, it’s a black panther on the prowl. The stallion anticipates the halt but it has still been an exhilarating display.

Goerkintgaards Dublet – Photo Monique de Smit – DigiShots

Kasey Perry-Glass’s Goerkintgaards Dublet, another Diamond Hit, does not quite repeat their Aachen magic, but this is another gorgeous tactful rider, the horse languid and relaxed. Alas a few little mistakes for a score of 76.739.

The crowd lights up, the Crown Princess of Dressage has entered the scene but at this stage in her career, Charlotte Dujardin’s Freestyle is no Valegro. Where Valegro made it look effortless, Charlotte was working hard to get the tune out of Freestyle. Sure the mare has scope to burn, and will one day amaze the world, but at the moment she is still a work in progress.

She scored 8s for the big trots but 6s for the piaffe and that was generous, and the passage looks a bit manufactured. Lovely big canter but a mistake in the ones.  For mine, Carl’s test on Delicato was far nicer. Still the judges go wild, a score of 77.764%, it makes the Ground Jury look like a gaggle of star struck schoolgirls.

There is a bit of a worry about how the heat and humidity would affect Bella Rose, just back after a long long spell with injury, but worry not, Isabell Werth is one of the all time greats. What unfolds is the sort of test that will live forever in the minds of those lucky enough to see it. As always with Isabell, the half passes are magnificent, 8.4 to the right, 8.9 left. 9.6 for piaffe and the score is up to 84.

This is a really special horse, it is no wonder that Isabell was so desperate to bring her. A great final line, and the Queen drops the rein, all the better to wave both hands.

Yes, you lot on your feet, you have witnessed one of the great moments in the history of dressage. 84.752, first with all, and the German team has taken an unbeatable lead with a score of 242.873.

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The new Patrik Kittel, that is since he started working with Isabell Werth is riding so well, letting his horse lengthen in front, and the mare, Well Done de la Roche, responds wonderfully, it is a really harmonious show, and a delight to watch. 78.199.

Edward Gal has another good horse in Zonik, and even though the flying changes get a bit down hill, the stallion deserves the 8.4 for his extravagant trot.

Lucky last Laura Graves and Verdades (ain’t random draws wonderful things?).  As the bay gelding gets more mature, his harness horse breeding shines through. Still it is a lovely cadenced trot, though the half passes don’t really flow, still the judges are looking to reward if they can, 8.4. He is spooking in the walk, and pays the price, 6.3 but they still finish on a total 81.537. Look it has been a nice test but as nice as Cosmo? You’ve got to be kidding. Verdades is earth bound, he’s a bit like one of the traditional Mountain Clog dancers we saw on our tour of a Cider Bar, Cosmo, he is a Nureyev! Laura finishes second and the USA are Team Silver medalists, Great Britain takes home the bronze.

German dressage team: Chef d’Equipe Klaus Roeser, Isabell Werth, Dorothee Schneider, Sonke Rothenberger, Jessica Von Bredow-Werndl