Gerd Heuschmann asks: Is it really trot??

Gerd Heuschmann discusses how to make, or break, your horse…

Carl Hester and Uthopia show us the suspension phase in a true trot

Jennifer Sekreve shows us a loose back in true trot

“What I want to say is, if at this centre of movement, the back is not loose, then it influences the movement of the hindquarters, and because this muscle goes from the fascia through to the humerus this also influences the forearm. The natural gaits are influenced by the situation of the back.”

“Suppleness of the back is a very important topic. The natural gaits of the horse have been the way they are for a million years. For example trot – two beat, a swinging phase and diagonal movement. In trot the right forearm should be parallel to the left hind cannon bone.”

“If you don’t allow the long back muscles to swing and allow the movement to get through the poll to the horse’s mouth, then you destroy diagonal movement.

“If you block the loin area, then the front legs come out and the hind legs don’t follow. Then my question is – is this trot?”

Read more:

Gerd Heuschmann – Dressage to improve not wreck your horse!